Connections Educational Resources
Connecting families with tutoring and enrichment resources for home, school, and life
Homeschool Enrichment Classes
Group and Private Tutoring Services
2016-2017 Classes
Thursdays at the home of Christy Bailey
Click on class name for description
11:30 - 1:00 Explorations in Environmental Science
​Ages 12 and up
1:15 - 2:30 Advanced English: Literature and Composition
Ages 14 and up
Literature Club for Middle School
PROGRAM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED due to declining participation
Classes are $150 PER SEMESTER and include most materials
There is a $10 registration fee per student due upon invoice (May)
Invoicing and payment through PayPal only
1st class -- payment due Sep 15 / Jan 15
2nd class -- payment due Oct 15 / Feb 15
Use this contact form to request information and registration forms, or to RSVP for meetings and seminars!
Enrichment classes for Homeschool Students
2016-2017 now available
Why choose "classes" if you're homeschooling?
* Enjoy activities difficult to provide in the home setting: Science lab, discussion, debate, group projects
* Find support and structure for challenging subjects
* Create the opportunity to develop note-taking skills, time-management, and classroom skills
Watch for information to be posted:
Plans include workshops and seminars:
* Transcript consultation and services
* Transcript workshops
* Curriculum planning based on current and future transcript needs
* Organizational seminars for parents and students led by a nationally certified professional organizer.
Connections Enrichment Resources exists to connect parents and students with the tools to be more successful in school and in life. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits- all curriculum or educational plan.
Connections is not a religious organiziation and is not church affiliated. We seek to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and utmost courtesy so that all students feel safe and welcome.
Does your student need additional tutoring and support in one or more subjects? Do you have a small group of students that would benefit from group tutoring or review? Let us connect you with a tutor to meet those needs.